torsdag den 22. juni 2017

I Tweet

You know that endless scrolling up and down on your Twitter timeline? Yeah off course you do. It seems fucking pointless at times, the same hopeless bashing of politicians that apparently don't have a clue, the stupid-ass celebrities cheating on taxes and each other and the selfproclaimed comedians making jokes about the same things over and over. Why do i even bother going down that timeline? I honestly can't say. Maybe it's sort of an addiction, maybe i am the one bashing politicians and making stupid jokes? Or maybe it is a way to connect with others, that is hidden behind all that superficial shit? Perhaps once in a while you will make a genuine connection on a social media? Maybe that is the ultimate goal with us tweeting? Maybe it is just for the fun of it, although that seems a bit far fetched given all the negative shit overflowing twitter most days.

I don't know, but i get my kicks out of it, so maybe it's okay not knowing.


What it means to me to be a juventino.

1. I will never accept a defeat.
That Means that even though my team sometimes loses, i will never accept that it could not be different. Being Juventus means you always have to win, even when you face defeat. When we (yes WE) lose, we must always look to see what we can improve, to make sure we will not lose again.

2. I will recognise the strength of my opponents, but never that they might be superior.
That means that i always believe Juventus have the potential to be the best. I can recognise other teams abilities and appreciate those abilities, but we must never feel inferior to others.

3. I will appreciate players from opposing teams.
I can enjoy players of class no matter which team they play for, knowing full well that we have the attraction to get the best players that we want.

4. Players come, players go. Legends stay.
No player should ever play for Juventus, if he doesn't want to. The Club will always be bigger than a single player, and we will replace whoever leaves. That does not mean that we should make it easy for players to leave, sometimes the Club needs to set an example. But all in all, i want players at the Club, that bleeds Juventus. Players with the potential to become Black and White legends.

5. I will treat others with respect.
I might disagree with my fellow Juventini, but i will always treat them with respect. The fans of other teams as well.
When it comes to the fans of opponents that means that i will respect them as human beings, and i will not harm anyone. I will however ridicule them at games and call them MERDA.

6. Racism is totally unacceptable.

7. Winning is everything. Fino alla Fine.

onsdag den 21. juni 2017


Do i write this blog, and what do i write about?
I intent to write about anything that is on my mind - politics, football (the European kind), food, religion (atheist, so if you can't take it, don't read it), photography and all the idiotic things out there, that i feel an urgent need to comment on. Mostly in English, sometimes in danish

Hope you will have at least a little bit of fun reading this blog.


I Tweet

You know that endless scrolling up and down on your Twitter timeline? Yeah off course you do. It seems fucking pointless at times, the same ...